Yesterday was the deadline to submit a film and I am happy to say we finished it in time. One conversation that immediately came up was how the other key person I was working with mentioned how after this experience he wants to learn how to do more such as being able to video edit. He was expressing how he felt so much of the work was placed on myself to do things like that.
Just for clarification too, this film festival contest was essentially done with a low to no budget mindset. Crew and cast wise there literally was only five people in total with only two people having to do all the regular crew stuff many times. So you bet many of us have to be able to put on more than one hat. It made me think too how at this day and age you pretty much need to be well rounded not just in talking in-front of the camera but other aspects of the production side of the business as well if you don’t want to treat the profession with a lottery mentality where someone will randomly give you an opportunity.
Immediately after this I was even talking with the other person on “what is our next project” sort of conversation. Just shows you the flexibility you have if you tune up your technical skills too. Of course like for myself I don’t intend to be like a dedicated post production specialist or be nearly as good as someone who is dedicated to the field but having the ability to do it opens up more doors for you I say.
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